Why, can’t we come together to Celebrate Life, Love, and Dance? Let's understand something, while some "People" are happy to take part in their own demise in this World, I'm hoping we can understand that these “People” only do so, because of their “Prominent” level of "Ignorance" of OTHER “People” they Don't know.
So, I'm asking, if we know as a society “We” have issues, and we can see as a society where many of “Our” common issues are, and we can literally point many of our issues out... then when and where as the "People" of the World, can “We” start to address the Many Problems and Issues that have been passed along for centuries from Generation (Great Grandfather) to Generation (Great Grandson) and counting?
Today, unfortunately we are seeing firsthand in real time, a total disregard of human life in the Nation of Ukraine.
The Total Disregard of Human Life at the highest level of leadership, with no shame from the Russian "Leader" or "Leadership" that sits down at the table every day to justify wrong treatment of innocent “People”!
The question again is WHY?
This is “Not” the first time in history "People" (Citizens of the World) have suffered for no good reason. By "Always" coming to the same conclusions of ignorance, that our Nations "Leaders" of the “People” of the World have historically come to, continually leads to "War", "Death", and "Suffering", and for no good reason this makes all the sense in the World, to "Our" (People of the World) “World Leaders" of these Big and Powerful so-called "Civilized" Nations.
When “WORLD-LEADERS” can conclude at the end of whatever discussions they are having, that "Sovereign Territories" can just be taken away from "People" like the Native Americans (Citizens of the World), and "SLAVERY", was the best answer to whatever problems European and Arab Nations "Leaders" were having with African "Leaders", African "People" (Citizens of the World), then who is defining “Leadership”?
Many Ukrainian "People" (Citizens of the World) will never be able to go back to their home. No, the Russians are not enslaving anyone or making anyone move on reservations, but before all this War and Killing started, "People" of Ukraine (Citizens of the World) were just Mother's and Father's trying to raise Families and live life, whatever that may have entailed for them.
Very much like the “People” known as Native Americans, and much like the Ancestors of the “People” referred to as African/Black Americans.
But all these things should go in proper context with proper perspective and an understanding of what should be most important to all of us, and that is our "Personal History" and "Lineage".
I often wonder about the "People" (Citizens of the World) sent by their Nation’s "Leaders" to different lands around the World. “People” who just show up "Unannounced", with claims to come in Good Faith, with a “Good Word,” and claims to come in "Peace" with no specific plans.
Where I'm confused is what happens that “Suddenly,” “People” turn into an Enemy intent on destroying a way of life unlike their own...?
I am not referring to the Native Americans introduction to the beginning of these United States of America's history. I am not referring to the different Nations "Leaders" that got together and decided that sending African "People" unlike themselves through something called "The Door of No Return" was best for the World at large.
There are some "People" of the World, I am referring too, they give speeches of hatred and sow fears of the unknown behind closed doors about “People” they claim, who are different (Citizens of the World) and allegedly, out here trying to get you.
The types of claims referenced about African "People" put in chains, forced on ships (Citizens of the World), and enslaved by “People,” (Citizens of the World) in the Exporting and Importing business (Human Trafficking).
The types of claims referenced about Native American "People" put on reservations (Citizens of the World) by "People" (Citizens of the World) claiming to establish a faith and constitution. (Uprooted and Relocated).
I'm referring to a group of World "Leaders" more recently coming out of Russia who came together and decided there was a need to overthrow a country unlike theirs called... UKRAINE!
Keep fighting Ukraine and Never answer the question:
What does "Door of No Return" mean to YOU… Me?
I would much rather come together with the People of the World...
Celebrate Life, Love and just Dance!
Written By: Sherman Shepherd