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 Hi, my name is Sherman Shepherd and welcome to Where Words Matter Blog! It is my opinion, that the Innercity/rural area Public School System in these United States of America has too often been vague and confusing when presenting various groups of "People" to others, when "Educating" one group of "People" about another group of "People". Beginning with the "History" that precedes the Pilgrims and the Native Americans.  
Where Words Matter Blog - and the writings from within "The Gathering of a Lost Tribe", which will be featured on the Where Words Matter Blog, will help give perspective on a group of "People" (African Americans) who throughout "History" have been misled, many times over and falsely presented, many times over when beginning their "New" existence within these United States of America.  
Around the World different groups of "People" share similar History, "People" that live in specific - shared - regions of the World. By being "Citizens" of these United States of America, it is just as important that we understand, we are also "Citizens" of the World, and that we share a specific region of the World with other groups of "People"!
Knowing that the Public School System is as flawed today, as it was when I came through this Public School System, I have concerns.
The bloodline of both the Original African and Native American is the unspoken influence that allow many of today's African Americans to move forward in this day. Many African Americans have no idea (That's called ignorance) the Native American influence on "Our" (African American) bloodline, and sadly do not care.
Descendents of Africans are a direct example of a specific "People", not individuals, completely lost of themselves while trying to stand and move forward as a "People". 
African Americans clearly need to move forward as a group, but with the understanding we're also among other specific groups of "Peopleand moving forward applies to "ALL" groups of "People" regardless of color, place, or origin while trying to move forward together.
The true difference between the Native American and the African American, is that the Native American knows his/her "Personal History" and has documented the History of all the specific tribes recognized, and their specific stories. The Native American knows which tribe each individual comes from.
This Blog, the Essays, the Poems, all reflect my life, and that of "My People" past (Africans, Native Americans) and present (African/Black Americans). The African/Black American is falsely being displayed as the only group we (Descendants of Africans/Native Americans) identify with or try to claim. Understand this, what "We" are not taught about is what "We" understand the least!
Many will not care, or care to understand anything I speak about.
I realize the concerns of the many have always been left to the few willing to step up, and then willing to step out, beyond the shadows, and into the light, on faith and common sense. So, with that, let us begin.
   May God be with you. May God be with me. And in the end, may God be with us all, Amen.