To start from the beginning, (Lights, Camera, Action) the true beginning in my mind, must begin at the start of our “Formal Education” … Kindergarten!
The students that are in kindergarten are starting their Formal Education, their Personal and Individual Journey into Life. So “Their Foundation” must be as Strong as Possible.
If the purpose of our “Educational Process” which is what we call “School” (Inner-City/Rural area Public School) is to prepare our students for their life in the “Real World” (Whatever that means for them), then I have two (2) questions:
1st Why are lifesaving programs and training for trade skills set-up (most of the time) not on or near the campus where the high school (most schools) are located?
2nd Why can't much needed services (community wide) be provided to targeted inner-city communities to service People and Neighborhoods in Need (PNN), while at the exact same time “Teaching”, “Training”, and “Preparing” the next wave of young adults graduating from high school for the “Real World”? (Whatever that means for them)
Within these United States of America, our Public School System, (only Inner Cities and Rural Area Communities), has a need to revise some things within the classrooms curriculum, and re-think how we "Train" and "Prepare" our students for "Their" immediate introduction to life after high school.
There are multiple moving parts within our Public School System, and many components of our “Educational Process" is in need of New Development and re-direction from the present course our current students are now on.
It is within specific curriculums such as: Civics (How we live and grow, together, in “Our” communities), History (US and World, how “We” have "Chosen" to live at each other's throats locally and globally), Government (How we can oversee ourselves in hopes of empowering “All”) is where the redevelopment of how some of these classes are being taught can begin.
The hope is that the lessons being taught and learned by the students, can translate and be applied back into these students' own community in real time.
In general, there are institutions of service: Federal, State, and Local that grossly underserve different segments of the community in need of basic services to function within and throughout our neighborhoods.
These civil and social services that filter out into many different neighborhoods and communities, have a direct influence over our personal growth and understanding of who we are individually.
We try to understand and manage individually through the many daily choices we have to make in life, and as situations, good or bad present themselves to us, decisions are made that ultimately result in our overall quality of life, within our community we live.
If our “Educational Process” is working, it should help create and generate expectation within students that would show itself throughout neighborhoods and communities in multiple unique ways.
Throughout different days of "Growth" there will be moments students will struggle with choices, and in those moments, students unknowingly "help" determine what tomorrow will look like for their specific neighborhoods and communities.
While we ignorantly try to determine the best way to navigate our way through life, the goal should be to help these students sooner, rather than later, as they become adults trying to navigate this life.
The hope is to help these students avoid as many of the negative traps and pitfalls waiting for everyone who steps outside the house trying to navigate life.
If our "Educational Process" was working, this would mean less ignorance about each other within our different communities and neighborhoods of diverse "People".
It should be that through our "Educational Process" students should be able to validate various moments when they begin to realize their own self-worth within their personal growth on this personal and individual journey.
It is also in those moments we all should begin to develop multiple reasons to believe in ourselves collectively, as well as in our future together… With each other!
Without consistent, meaningful learning material intended to be a foundation/platform for children to build from and stand on, then we completely ignore the common substance of learning material that applies directly to the "Growth" of every student.
Information should be delivered in a way, that it is obvious, an attempt is being made at getting kids in general to understand, that along with the hope and promise of better opportunities, to also accept each other on a humane level of respect.
It should become expected that part of early childhood development will include a specific, Formal Educational Development Plan/Package, that later would have a more focused option of programs to address the more involved Stages of Development.
If the current "success" rate of educating in the inner city and rural areas continues as it has been, then re-development for any inner city/rural area community of "People", no matter their color, creed or background, becomes and remains irrelevant.
Meaning: Schools - Neighborhoods - Communities and the importance of them all become irrelevant.
Meaning: Schools - Neighborhoods - Communities and the importance of them all remain quite irrelevant over the years.
Meaning: Generation after Generation of schools - neighborhoods - communities - "People" inside these communities becoming less and less relevant which means, important!
Written by: Sherman Shepherd!