What is really going on? I know I am not the only person who has grown completely tired of how our “Elected Officials” across these “United States of America” as well as around the “World” are carrying on, and for lack of better words coming to mind, they are acting like complete IDIOTS!
The media covers every foolish act committed by our World and Local Leaders, then the media decides to highlight what they want the viewer (me and you) to focus on.
“Both” parties inside these United States of America work extremely hard at giving “LIFE” to some of the most “Unworthy”, “Worthless" content, that the media choose to report on as important news the American "People", as well as to the “People” around the World should hear.
When listening to the very different “Talking Heads” (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, TND) whether the conversation is in favor of the Democrats or for the Republicans, we hear all their different, same, “Taboo’s” (Be Afraid) when any issue is being addressed, any issue.
The mainstream providers of information constantly “Repeat Talking Points” based on “This” - outright lies or embellished truths that only serve specific people. Or “That” - arguable fact that only serve the purposes of a specific few within these United States of America’s Political Community.
Even the prospect of destroying an entire Nation and its “Democracy” is literally on the table, and the rest of us in the country are left to try and figure out what the “Hell” is really going on.
Trying to figure out what's going on, mainly because nothing of consequence is getting done on the “Hill” for the “People" as a whole. Even with that “Old” guy getting parts of his agenda through, the real problem is with the way today’s Government proceedings take place.
Regardless of obvious truth, only the “Specific”, “Desired” “Outcome” of "THAT" specific “Party” is the only “Objective” for the infamous “Left” and “Right”, then we can worry about the needs of the "People".
The Morality, Character, and in too many cases, plain Human Decency seems to be too much to ask for from these people of politics, even when obvious disregard for “Innocent Americans” is in plain sight.
I am beginning to wonder, if the members of Congress and the members of the Senate pay any attention to the person at the head of their respective parties, Republican or Democrat?
Republicans suddenly have a “Members Only Club,” inside their “Party of the People” who say their only objective is to have a more conservative view about Government spending and Citizen self-accountability and I agree a person should have to earn what they have access to.
Not, just given that for which they can work, but instead, politicians have shown with willful glee they have no problem watching the head of their party, align himself with multiple Dictators (North Korea, Russia, Saudi’s).
We then convince Americans that the one country that is most embedded with the inner working of commerce in these United States of America is now and has always been our biggest enemy, China!
As an individual Citizen of these United States of America, you have the right to believe what you choose about confirmed “Rouge Foreign Leaders” and of course include “Trump” and/or “Biden” on that list.
You may be a person who lives in a different country around the World and feel America’s World Policies have made your life unnecessarily harsh. "People" live and die because decisions made by World “Leaders” effect All “People” around the World.
I know these guys are not “Leaders” but if you wanted to add as a side note as worthless content, Hunter, or Don Jr, take your pick, they both seem to be questionable legacies to leave behind. The point is taking your pick, and good luck!
Democrats have had limited success with their Democratic President, Mr. Joe Biden, but up to this point in his Presidency, Mr. Biden has gotten parts of his agenda done, and that's despite the roadblocks put up by Republicans and two (2) unnamed Democrats that swear they are “Doing Their Best” to help all “Americans”.
So, let us be clear, not Refugees, not Un-Documented Immigrants, not Dreamers, but doing their best to help all “AMERICANS” that need help, assistance, and to support as much as possible Americans ability to be, or become self-sufficient, “Whenever Possible”!
That sounds good!
Every politician (Republican and Democrat) that is not part of “MAGA WORLD,” are very terrified of Trump running in 2024, at a time these Democratic Politicians early on turned their backs on Biden in the primary and then lost to the man in the primary’s.
President Biden is the “One” person who has proven he can beat “Trump” head-to-head when Hillary did not do that. It was a clean and honest defeat for Trump, who is showing since losing his bid for a second term, he is a “Loser” of epic proportion, regardless of the money the man has, or the luxury he enjoys, regardless of the powerful people he entertains.
Not only did the Democratic Party not have President Biden’s back, but he also did not have the backing of his Vice President whom “HE” carried into the White House! Democrats openly talk about the President being “Too Old” and out of touch with today’s generation of voters (Who voted him in?). Recap:
The loser’s (Republicans) side talk as if they have a winning hand, while holding the hand of an established loser who was already in the oval office, then went home after 4 years the same way he came into office, following no proper protocol at all.
The former President aligns himself with people of exceptionally low moral character, (The tape does not lie) people that he makes clear he holds in high regard. Plus, the “Art of the Deal” does not flow when the former President’s irregular business practices, (Unlawful, to the point someone is going to jail) is on record as being dismal.
On the other side of that same coin, the winning side (Democrats) has done everything including undermining portions of “their” President’s agenda, so to make this clear, Joe Biden won the Democratic Primaries, Joe Biden won the Presidency of the United States of America, and the Democratic Politicians who could not figure out how to beat Joe Biden or Donald Trump 4 years before, now want someone else to lead them on the hill, because this “Old” guy just does not look cool and young enough.
Because we all know cool points are the most important thing in a “Leader” these days, and tangible results are considered optional for these politicians. “Left or Right” ... “This or That” ...
“Republican... or Democrat..." UGH!!!
Written by: Sherman Shepherd!