10 Jun

   Many have come and gone, but very few have been willing to step up, and then step out when they were needed most...

   In the end, may God be with us all, Amen.

"To those Africans whose bodies no longer stand,
but yet your spirits refuse to lie down.
To those Africans whose spirits took my spirit by the hand,
you have unselfishly led me to my rightful crown."
And I thank you!

"Lost Spirits" that dwells within me, my journey has somehow led me to thee. 

So, from this point on, we must break this destructive cycle. Do not be afraid of what must be said, for too many for shameful reasons are already dead, physically and spiritually. 

So, through me, I wish to allow others to see, that it takes much more than unlocking the shackles to be free. So "Lost Spirits" speak through me...

 ...I am now African Man many years removed from my "true" land of origin. Separated from many of my family and friends, with many questions and very few answers.

I wonder, how do you begin a conversation about what you feel deep within your soul?
About what you feel for those you care for; about those you know have been left out in the cold?
About, who do you go to, to understand your place or your role?
There is much in my mind that is out of control.
I must get certain things out, before I can ever begin to try to bring certain things in.
I am almost to the point where I might begin to shout, but my intent is not to offend.
I have come to the conclusion about my reality that I might be in some trouble.
But maybe not with this mentality, if I can just hit that daily double.
There are so many avenues within my head that I have tried to walk.
Now, I finally realize the time has come where, you and I, we must begin to talk.

I was African Man lost, within a place far from home.
I now know that there has been too much time where all I've done is roam.
I am amongst my tribe with no clue of what we truly mean to each other.
For too many generations, all we have done is separate from ourselves, from our fathers, and yes, even our mothers.
I do not want to continue this way of life.
We have suffered too much; we have gone through too much strife.
So here my plea, oh Great One we look up to in the sky.
I wish to serve you, and bring my people back to you, so we can stop living this lie.
If only you would use me Lord, without knowing what I really have to offer.
I will still submit myself to do your will Lord be it rich man or pauper. 

This is what I know, I am African lost no more.
With having to deal with the many sights, that accompany the devastation of personal plights.
African child within me, hear me, everything will be alright!
The confrontation that began as a sneak attack in the middle of the night,
I know has had you in a constant fight.
But believe me, African child within me, hear me, everything will be alright!
The suffering that was endured is now hindsight,
it is obvious to many that our personal history has been given very little light, and the wounds left behind are an awful freight.

But that's okay my beautiful, precious African child that is within me, hear me, because we are now walking, and soon will be running into the light.
Yes, everything is alright...

                                                                           Written by: Sherman Shepherd 


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